Event catalogue

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Silhouette eines Kung-Fu-Sprungs vor Merblick

OpenCulturas Dojo

The software's virtual roadshow

Demonstration of OpenCulturas: how everything is interconnected, how to add content. Live demo on our demo system. Bring your questions and we'll be happy to answer them.


Kunden als Maintainer gewinnen – geht das überhaupt?


“Das Arbeitsergebnis soll als Open Source veröffentlicht werden.” Wenn man sich so anschaut, wie oft dieser Hinweis in den letzten Jahren in Ausschreibungen zu lesen war, so möchte man meinen, “jetzt ist der Knoten geplatzt, jetzt haben sie’s verstanden”. Wenn man sich allerdings auf Github umguckt...

Zahnrad-Grafik mit zwei Punkten im Zentrum
Open source conference


Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting

The "Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting" (FOSDEM) is a cost-free event for people who develop free and open source software. At this well-established two-day event, thousands of FOSS-enthusiasts from all over the world gather in Brussels and share ideas. The non-commercial...

Event name and Drupal logo on a blue world map

Drupal Global Contribution Weekend

Worldwide distributed event

Annually on the last January weekend, Drupalistas from all over the world gather in local sub-events or join vitual meetings and work together.

Rooftop perspective on the city center of Lille, photo sprinkled with colorful triangles
Open source conference

DrupalCon Europe

The annual official Drupal Conference in Europe

DrupalCon unites experts from around the globe who create ambitious digital experiences. Network, learn, and be inspired.

Buchstaben I, K, F, dreidimensional durch den Raum fallend, in Cyan und Magenta gefärbt

Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg

The trade fair for stage productions, music and events

The Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg ( IKF) is a trade fair for stage productions, music and events with live performances by artists and an extensive exhibition area.

Ein Pinguin (das Linux-Maskottchen) sitzt auf einem Stein vor wasserfarbenem Hintergrund mit angedeuteten Luftblasen

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage

Bewusst sein

Die Chemnitzer Linux-Tage bieten ein abwechslungsreiches Programm rund um Linux und Open Source für alle Interessensgruppen. Schüler:innen und Studierende sind genauso willkommen wie Linux-Heimanwender:innen, Entscheider:innen für Unternehmen und natürlich Open-Source-Schaffende. Es gibt ein...

Open source conference

Drupal Developer Days

The hands-on event for Drupalistas

"DrupalDevDays" is an established pan-european Drupal-focused conference format, annually organized by different local communities. It's a gathering of people working with Drupal (not necessarily developers, despite the title) who give talks, self-organize discussion groups, contribute to the...

Event logo, byline, background playing with the mascot, a frog silhouette
Open source conference


Free and Open Source Conference

With usually more than 1,500 participants, FrOSCon is one of the largest conferences of the FLOSS scene in Germany. The series of events in the Department of Computer Science was born out of an initiative by students and employees of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Members of...