
Upcoming and planned features

The roadmap is a prioritized list of upcoming features or features that are currently being developed. Prioritization, however, is a moving target. 

Hello, it's open source. You are welcome to develop one of the listed features with your team. By doing so, and if the contribution meets the development standards, you can actively influence the priorities. In case you are evaluating platform solutions consider spending a bit of your budget on a still missing feature for the benefit of everyone.


  • Optional address-related link to public transport information systems
  • Enhanced route planner connection
  • Past dates archive: Make past event dates available on artist/location profiles or as a standalone archive calendar.
  • Opening hours as structured data

In testing

The following solutions are available on request and are currently being tested:

  • Color coding
  • Suggestions module to display context-related similar events or locations
  • Kulturpass integration
  • JSON-LD exporter
  • Reservix importer
  • OpenData Germany importer

Color coding per section

  • Additional field for categorizing content by custom sections
  • Custom color-code per section
  • Value can be set automatically per content type or based on other field values
  • Additive color-coding possible (e. g. multi-step gradient borders or backgrounds)

Similar events and locations suggestions

Content similar to the current event or location page is detected and presented in a slider.

Kulturpass integration

Germany's "Kulturpass" is a program to foster young adults' reception of arts + culture. is currently running a beta test of the new feature that allows easy tagging of events and entering special discounts. Those events can subsequently be filtered and exported to the central platform that issues the offers to the Kulturpass mobile app.

JSON LD export

As part of our participation in Germany's Datenraum Kultur project, we are currently testing and refining a customized API. This interface can be used to import dates, venues and profiles from an OpenCulturas instance into another system. Not only from central standardized event platforms such as OpenData Germany, but also, for example, from a system for upcoming dates display boards or for in-house project planning.

Reservix importer

An integration is already in use at kulturis and is currently being integrated on another platform. We have not published this module because it should be put into operation under expert supervision. For example, contracts with Reservix are required, which might lead to different requirements for the deletion of imported content. Furthermore, adjustments will probably have to be made to the respective OpenCulturas instance and huge amounts of data can accumulate, which can have an impact on hosting requirements. We therefore recommend that you consult an expert service provider and get in touch with us. 

OpenData Germany importer

Importing structured data from OpenData Germany has been tested and is basically functional.

Planned features

Co-ownership of content

Allow a content author to enter several users as co-authors, thereby allowing them to inherit author-related permissions. For example, a band member can invite some or all other band members to update their profile, add images to the gallery on their line-up page, or reschedule an announced concert date.

Comments module enhancements + discussion boards

  • Custom topics start a comment thread
  • Approval workflow enhancements

Bonus program

Many regions in Germany know the concept of a voucher booklet with bargains for local shops, restaurants, museums, etc.

We are currently drafting a generic solution to promote a bonus program, mark participation, and voucher usage tracking, among other features.

Bookable events elaboration

OpenCulturas is already familiar with the concept of events suitable for guest performances. The information that can be stored for this purpose is still rudimentary and is to be supplemented with further structured data so that, for example, filtering according to certain limitations or “matchmaking” is also possible.

Bookable locations

  • Optional component to mark a location as "bookable"
  • Enter further related information, such as a number of people allowed in, technical equipment, backstage description...
  • Filter option for location overview page (or dedicated page with elaborate filter options)

Tech pools

  • Optional component to offer technical equipment
  • Structured data (extensible)
  • Dedicated page with filter options

More notifications

  • User activity-based notifications (e. g., content referencing my content)

Content copyright management

  • Allows to publish content (beyond media assets) under a creative commons license
  • Filter exportable content for exchange with other platforms by license

User dashboard enhancements

  • Overview of "my recommendations"

Weekly digests

You might call it artificial intelligence or machine learning, but we prefer to describe it in a more human-centric way:

  • Based on individual user preferences (e.g. bookmarked/recommended content), users receive smart recommendation digests (on the dashboard or via e-mail) of recommended new content/upcoming dates
  • Transparent and opt-in-driven

Duplicate finder

The more importers are used, the higher the risk of appointments being published multiple times from different sources. We have gathered information on how to recognize duplicates even if there are discrepancies. This feature is intended to support editorial reworking with automation. 

Configurable gallery slider

Selected media assets can already be rearranged and presented in a slider. It would be nice to have a configuration option, like showing two or three images in one slide and deciding to allow zoom on click.

Media hub as-a-service

  • Customizable media player design (OC currently uses native HTML video/audio elements)
  • Audio files, podcast teasers
  • Pre-configured video/audio oEmbed-compatible media hub integration (ready to use with our Europe-based media hosting platform)

Platform federation / syndication

  • Aggregate content of several OpenCulturas instances for a common search instance (linking to the respective platform)
  • exchange hand-picked content between OpenCulturas instances

RSS feeds

The functionality is almost ready. Still to do: Define filter rules (which content types, which settings lead to exclusion from the feed)—and which fields should be included in a feed across all content? Individual specialized feeds can also be provided on this basis, e.g. for new event dates, new locations, any new content in a focus category, etc.