
Frequently noted requirements that OpenCulturas meets out of the box

  • Free + open source - built with privacy, accessibility, diversity, and digital sovereignty in mind
  • User-generated content (optional, not mandatory)

Dynamic content

  • All content interconnected
  • Profiles for individuals and groups, such as artists, event organizers, bands, authors, influencers, visitors...
  • Re-usable event descriptions (no more copy-paste of redundant information)
  • Re-usable event locations (no more antique information copies - owners can change their contact data for any connected event date at once)
  • Extensible accessibility + trigger warnings for locations and event descriptions
  • Multilingual (English + German by default)
  • Editorial content: create custom content pages with individual menu hiearchy, offer a magazine with customizable columns, offer FAQ pages

Custom teasers

  • Use headline, main image, and teaser text as a default - or override some of these fields to allow context-related calls to action
  • Create nicely layouted teasers for external links as well


  • Galleries incorporating A/V media
  • Image library, including access to Creative Commons assets
  • Bulk editing (e. g. complement license information)
  • Crop options for images with odd dimensions
  • Sponsors with their logos (global or per page)


  • User accounts via (optional) self-register, with double-opt-in
  • User journey-oriented dashboard with structured own content, bookmarks, and step-by-step calls to action
  • Faceted full-text search
  • Base design responsive and WCAG compliant, easily customizable - or integrate your own individual look + feel
  • Consent management (terms of use, cookies)


  • Personal bookmarks and public recommendations
  • Content can be claimed, e. g. a location owner can take over a rudimentary location entry to enrich it with a profile text and images
  • Optional commentability for all content and aggregation in a discussion forum

Goodies for site-owners

  • Moderation/publication workflows for pre- or post-moderation
  • Abuse report + profile claim processes (with configurable email notifications)
  • Calendar widget/affiliate event calendars (pre-filtered, embeddable in partner sites)
  • Structured data, prepared for schema.org compatibility
  • Countless SEO-friendly landing-pages, automatically built for each focus topic, location type, event type ... simply add your custom tags and your users will use them
  • Content versioning with an option to restore any version

Further features on the roadmap

OpenCulturas is continuously being further developed. Have a look at the roadmap so see what's upcoming.