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Dieses Jahr feiern wir das 10. Jahr in Folge als Ausrichter:innen des Berliner Events.
Pre-contribution-Gettogether am Freitag ab 18:00 Uhr.
Annually on the last January weekend, Drupalistas from all over the world gather in local sub-events or join vitual meetings and work together.
Elsewhere such events are known as "Code sprints". But it is not only about code contributions. Volunteers with all kinds of skills are very welcome. They contribute graphics, tutorials, marketing ideas, tests, translations. Or, if nothing else, provide food and keep the attendees happy.
OpenCulturas makers are joining in Berlin to work on translations and some Drupal issues that will directly be used in OpenCulturas.
Tickets and pricing
Tickets and pricing
Plätze sind beschränkt, bitte registriert euch.
Event location
Event location
Osloer Str. 17
13359 Berlin